Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Facebook Home reached 1 million downloads
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The giant has spent twice the time to go from 500 00 to 1 Million just to get the first 500 00 downloads.
Does Facebook Home know some problems of adoption? A month after its publication, he finally reached the symbolic figure of one million downloads, reports our colleague CNET United States, citing the director of mobility as a source.
New target: 5 million. This could take time. It took ten days to reach Facebook Home 500,000 downloads and more than 20 days to double that number. This slowdown and average performance reflects the reception rather critical of Facebook Home.
Bugs and up-to-date
Many quite negative tests have been published since the release of the software, and Facebook Home does not add up to five of the 16 000 and some votes on the Google Play Store more than two stars. Many bugs have especially put off users. Facebook has released an update to day since, but this does not seem enough.
Especially since this one million downloads, it has no idea how many have deleted the application thereafter. Facebook should have an idea - he knows the rate of removal some time after the download, but not beyond.
Facebook ready to pay $ 1 billion for Waze GPS Application
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The online social network Facebook is in talks to acquire Israeli Waze GPS mobile application for an award of up to one billion dollars, said Thursday the Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar with the matter. These sources describe the serious discussions, but warn that they can still fail.
Founded in 2008 in Israel, Waze is a mobile application that is funded by advertising and associated mapping a social aspect: it advises road routes taking into account information on accidents, road works or traffic jams provided by almost 50 million users. Such a purchase would allow Facebook to improve its offering in the mobile, where he tries to strengthen and put a foot on the market for online mapping.
This would be one of the biggest acquisitions of the group since the last year of application Instagram, for a price originally announced $ 1 billion but eventually reduced to 747 million, Facebook had paid partly with its own shares whose prices had meanwhile fallen.
YouTube is preparing to offer a paid subscription for some channels
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Fifty channels are involved in a first time, according to the "Financial Times" ...
YouTube launched on Thursday a paid service "channels" of subscription, according to a message posted on Its official blog. "Starting today, we are launching a pilot program for a small group of partners who offer pay channels on YouTube with a subscription fee starting at $ 0.99 per month," says the message.
Each channel can be tested for free for 14 days, and some offer reduced when commitment to a full year rates. Among the content available at launch are listed reruns of full episodes of the show for children 1 Sesame Street or martial arts fighting in the UFC. YouTube and promises to expand its range of pay channels "in the coming weeks."
YouTube already offers since 2011 a series of thematic channels to which access is free. He said Thursday after more than a million. They were previously financed by advertising, but "one of the most frequent requests of their creators is to have more flexibility to monetize and distribute their content," says the site on his blog.
"More quality content"
Without confirming this turn, YouTube told the Financial Times that "aimed at creating a platform subscription could bring even more quality content (...) for the sake of (his) users and provide designers a new channel for revenue generation for their content, more models based on leasing and advertising. "
Google could Launch a streaming music service
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Google would have convinced the three main majors, according to "The Verge" ...
Fortune had already announced in early March: YouTube, owned by Google, planchait on a streaming music service, with the aim to compete directly with Spotify.
But for this, he had to agree with the majors. According to The Verge, this is now done. After an initial agreement with Warner Music in March, Google has signed two with Universal Music and Sony Music. What access catalogs of Bob Dylan, Alicia Keys, Rihanna and Jay-Z, The Verge lists.
Two services
The agreement would cover two different music streaming services. That associated with YouTube, with two formulas, a free advertising-funded and pay that would free, but also a second associated with its Google Play platform.
The recent signing with Universal and Sony could be an opportunity for an ad with great fanfare on Tuesday at the Google I / O of the Mountain View firm conference. If this were to be confirmed, Google to take on the Apple, which is also working on its own streaming service. But the offers of the two Web giants would be different. Google's service would look like Spotify and propose streaming titles available from a computer and a mobile phone, while Apple's service nearer to online radio Pandora, says The Verge.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
For Now On Any Phone Is An Android Phone
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Myriad has announced Alien Dalvik, which enables Android apps on non-Android phones, without any performance loss. A tall claim and Myriad has done this with Nokia N900, take a look on the video here. Support for other platforms will soon follow after its Mobile World Congress demo.
Android is on a rampage since its launch. The last thing it needs is a port like Alien Dalvik which lets other phones to run Android apps. This might not be a success story for Android but for its apps. Mobile app developers who are facing a dilemma of which platform to develop can breath easy now. Just develop it for Android and the rest will be taken care of by Alien Dalvik. In a perfect world that is.
Myriad will be releasing Dalvik for Meego to start with followed by support for other platforms. If you want to run the native native Android Google apps map to get the Gmail Priority Inbox on your iPhone, then you might have to wait. I am not sure how this will work out, but if Myriad is planning of an app for doing this, then Apple will reject it with impunity.
Future Is All About Windows Phones: Nokia and Microsoft Join Hands
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Soon or later we see the creative crafting technology of Smartphone from Nokia which comes with windows based mobiles or Smartphone concepts.
In recent times, we all know that Nokia joins hands of partnership with Giant Microsoft for their upcoming Nokia Windows based Smartphones. The developers of both giant corporation Nokia and Microsoft said that the upcoming Nokia based windows mobiles or Smartphones will be look like more or less like Nokia N8 and Nokia C7 but in more articulate or crafting manner rather than conventional designs.
But nevertheless, there are so many things which still under the table of Nokia and Microsoft because Nokia also wants to enhance their Symbian applications.
Let’s see what happen in future in world of Nokia and Microsoft.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
5 Most Expensive Keyboards in the World
Thursday, February 10, 2011
5. Dual Handed Ergonomic 3D, Maltron
It is fifth and final most expensive keyboard in this expensive list of keyboard. You can get organized your Maltron keyboard Qwerty, Dvorak Maltron or design. These are also available in American English, British English, French, German, Norwegian / Norwegian and Swedish. The letter keys are turned in to go with the natural movements of fingers and the keys to the long fingers apart.
about $535

It is fifth and final most expensive keyboard in this expensive list of keyboard. You can get organized your Maltron keyboard Qwerty, Dvorak Maltron or design. These are also available in American English, British English, French, German, Norwegian / Norwegian and Swedish. The letter keys are turned in to go with the natural movements of fingers and the keys to the long fingers apart.
about $535
4. Executive Keyboard, Maltron

It is also one of the most expensive keyboard all around the world. It is made after studying people and their environment and requirements minimize stress on the fingers, wrists and arms while typing. This is one of their more advanced models with Plexiglas’s, polycarbonate and stainless steel keys made.
about $550
3. TouchStream LP, Fingerworks

It is also on 3rd most expensive keyboard, This mysterious keyboards were originally sold to customers for $ 340, but when the finger works have paid for the property and is not a keyboard that is touch flow LPs in good condition sold at high prices to enthusiasts. You can search for your buying and more prize money for used computer equipment.
about $ 1500+
2. 2000-IS-DT, 2000-IS-PM Stealth Computer

It is also 2nd most expensive keyboard in all over the world. If you are angry with the keyboard, Stealth Computer makes devices to minimize the risk of collapse to dangerous places, IS 2000 – 2000-DT & PMare supplied in stainless steel separated by an optical blockade bail NEMA 4X protection.
about $2,200
1. Happy Hacking Keyboard HP Japan, PFU Ltd

It is the most expensive keyboard in the world. This keyboard is repeatedly stacked polishing with Urushi, with a special brush made from hair of young women and then powdered with gold dust.
about $ 4440
Monday, February 7, 2011
8 Most Expensive Cell Phones In The World Part 2
Monday, February 07, 2011
If you didn't see it yet, here is the link to the first part of this collection.
4. The Diamond Crypto Smartphone

Created by luxury accessories producer Peter Aloisson based from Moscow JSC Ancort. This luxurious smartphone platinum price comes from the body cover that adorned with 50 diamonds, including eight of the rare blue diamonds. In addition, Ancort logo and navigation buttons are made of 18k rose gold. Built on Windows CE, this expensive cell phone also features a high resolution color TFT display and 256-bit cryptographic algorithm. This expensive mobile phone features SMS, MMS, E-mail and Internet capability, WAP, JAVA support and even media player.
about $1.3 million
3. GoldVish ‘Le Million’ Piece Unique

The GoldVish “Le Million”, the solid gold, diamond-studded “Piece Unique” is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as both “The world’s most expensive cellular phone” and “The world’s most exclusive cellular phone” at one million Euros (approx. US$1.3 million) per phone and a guaranteed limited production of three pieces. Produced by GoldVish Luxury Communications, The Geneva-based luxury communication company, this expensive phone was designed by Emmanuel Gueit in addition to the Illusion Collection. The phone is made from 18k white gold and set with 20 carats of VVS1 (only microscopic defects) diamond. The phone also features Bluetooth, 2 GB of storage, FM radio, digital cameras and MP3 playback. This expensive mobile phone is available only by special order.
about $1.3 million
2. Peter Aloisson’s Kings Button iPhone

The Kings Button iPhone is, an amazing jewel decorated iPhone. This time Aloisson has iPhone 3G to play with and apparently a little larger budget. One hundred and thirty eight brilliant cut diamonds line in the side of the phone, but the real prize is the home button from the rare 6.6 carats white diamond.
about $2.4 million
1. Goldstriker iPhone 3GS Supreme

Stuart Hughes of Goldstriker International is famous for giving expensive devices such as mobile phones and video game console a luxutious touch by covered them with gold and diamonds, and for this iPhone is no exception. The iPhone has a great feature 3GS casing is made of 271 grams of solid 22k gold and scenes decorated with fifty three 1 carat diamond. The navigation button on the Goldstriker iPhone 3GS Supreme is a rare 7.1 carat diamond. It took 10 months to make this incredible mobile phone, and it was packaged in a 7 kg granite box lined in nubuck leather.
about $3.2 million.F
From Gizmocrazed.
8 Most Expensive Cell Phones In The World Part 1
Monday, February 07, 2011
The reason cell phones are so expensive is not only purely because of the technology that the cell phones offer, but also because of the accessories that are manufactured to accompany these most expensive cell phones.
So, let’s take a look at the Top 8 most expensive cell phones ever made in the world.
The Princess Plus gets its name from the Princess cut diamonds used on 138 of the 318 diamonds on its surface. 180 other diamonds of the phone are brilliant cut. In total, 17.75 carats diamond phone is set in 18k white gold around the lips. IPhone Princess Plus is worth $ 176,400, while the cheaper “Brilliants only” version sold $ 66,150.
about $176,400
The price of this phone comes from the actual state of the art technology and not just because of polished group of stone-but, but that does not mean it does not have the visual appeal. Polycarbonate OLED technology under the skin that covers the entire face give 4 megapixel phone with the screen display limits. A Mirror gives the phone a sleek, futuristic look.
about $300,000
This striking phone so exclusive that only eight ever be made. Jewelry designed by the FrenchBoucheron, the Signature Cobra is made with two diamonds, two emeralds and 439 rubies. For buyers who not that rich, twenty six of the less flashy (read: no rubies) signature Python phones will be available also for only $ 115,000. Both phones have snake on them as a symbol of exclusivity. Awesome.
about $310,000
Find the part 2 in this link here.
So, let’s take a look at the Top 8 most expensive cell phones ever made in the world.
8. Nokia 8800 Arte with pink diamonds

Designed by Peter Aloisson, this solid 18k white gold mobile phones have more than 680 phone features in pink and white brilliant colour with diamonds cut totaling over 21.5 carats. Some features of this cell mobile phone is 3.15 MP camera with autofocus and video, music player, Bluetooth and voice memo.
about $134,000
7. Peter Aloisson’s iPhone Princess Plus

The Princess Plus gets its name from the Princess cut diamonds used on 138 of the 318 diamonds on its surface. 180 other diamonds of the phone are brilliant cut. In total, 17.75 carats diamond phone is set in 18k white gold around the lips. IPhone Princess Plus is worth $ 176,400, while the cheaper “Brilliants only” version sold $ 66,150.
about $176,400
6. Sony Ericsson Black Diamond

The price of this phone comes from the actual state of the art technology and not just because of polished group of stone-but, but that does not mean it does not have the visual appeal. Polycarbonate OLED technology under the skin that covers the entire face give 4 megapixel phone with the screen display limits. A Mirror gives the phone a sleek, futuristic look.
about $300,000
5. Vertu Signature Cobra

This striking phone so exclusive that only eight ever be made. Jewelry designed by the FrenchBoucheron, the Signature Cobra is made with two diamonds, two emeralds and 439 rubies. For buyers who not that rich, twenty six of the less flashy (read: no rubies) signature Python phones will be available also for only $ 115,000. Both phones have snake on them as a symbol of exclusivity. Awesome.
about $310,000
Find the part 2 in this link here.
5 Freeware to Combine Between Facebook and Twitter Accounts
Monday, February 07, 2011

Here are 5 software to combine Twitter and Facebook account, and check updates on Twitter and Facebook from one place:
Sobees is freeware for your desktop that lets you amalgamate your Facebook and Twitter Accounts. This single application interface is useful for users who have daily usage of social networking sites and Twitter accounts. Just install the application in your Pc and add your Facebook and Twitter accounts to the Sobees Lite interface.
Yoono is easy to use application that you can download without spending any penny. With this tool, you can combine your social networking web sites and instant messaging services together at one place. This will simplify your life, as you will be able to access all your accounts straight from one single interface and no need to log on to different web sites separately.
Twitgether is free application that is designed to help you to connect with your networking sites like Facebook and Twitter together. The application combines your Twitter account with all the popular social networking sites so that you can access your Twitter account quickly from anywhere. The idea behind the program was to simplify your life when you can tweet along with your mails, chats or just with your networking accounts.
TweetDeck is free software that allows you to connect with all your friends and family across Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and many more. The application is classy and very interesting to use. Downloading the application is free of cost and installation is all the more easy. The application silently rest in your desktop and you can launch the application from your Start menu, Dock, or desktop.
Brizzly is free software that will combine your Facebook and Twitter accounts easily and sync your accounts for easy access. Brizzly lets you update your posts and tweets simultaneously from one application while you can surf though your Facebook and Twitter account easily with this freeware.
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