Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Filed under: Google
Google could Launch a streaming music service
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Google would have convinced the three main majors, according to "The Verge" ...
Fortune had already announced in early March: YouTube, owned by Google, planchait on a streaming music service, with the aim to compete directly with Spotify.
But for this, he had to agree with the majors. According to The Verge, this is now done. After an initial agreement with Warner Music in March, Google has signed two with Universal Music and Sony Music. What access catalogs of Bob Dylan, Alicia Keys, Rihanna and Jay-Z, The Verge lists.
Two services
The agreement would cover two different music streaming services. That associated with YouTube, with two formulas, a free advertising-funded and pay that would free, but also a second associated with its Google Play platform.
The recent signing with Universal and Sony could be an opportunity for an ad with great fanfare on Tuesday at the Google I / O of the Mountain View firm conference. If this were to be confirmed, Google to take on the Apple, which is also working on its own streaming service. But the offers of the two Web giants would be different. Google's service would look like Spotify and propose streaming titles available from a computer and a mobile phone, while Apple's service nearer to online radio Pandora, says The Verge.
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Google could Launch a streaming music service