Friday, January 28, 2011
Apple Ipad 2 Is Coming Soon
Friday, January 28, 2011

Release date of Apple’s iPad 2 is gradually approaching nearer (there are even reports that the gadget may be announced by the end of January).
We know Apple is going to update its iPad with a new model sometime this year. Now word on internet has it Apple will unveil second generation iPad in April with some new, exciting features. The 2nd gen iPad tablet will be a thinner and sleeker tablet, with a new screen technology which is pretty similar to iPhone 4's Retina Display. The device will have a 10-inch "super high resolution" display.
The new iPad will also feature a dual GSM / CDMA chipset produced by Qualcomm.
Other features include front and rear facing camera, and a SD card slot.
For more details on this, take a look at Techradar's report.
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Apple Ipad 2 Is Coming Soon
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