Thursday, January 27, 2011
Skype Video Chat in Facebook Instant Messaging
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Recently Skype and Facebook announced a large integration, however that integration appeared to be limited to the Skype desktop application.
Back in September it was reported that “Facebook users will be able to video chat with each other.” While this is theoretically possible via Skype already, it wouldn’t be surprising if those calls could take place directly from within Facebook.
AllFacebook is reporting that a Facebook app developer has discovered the existence of code hinting at Skype integration.
Apparently, Facebook is bucket testing this feature, which will be based on the Skype SDK.
Tal Alter, the developer who was the first to notice this, wrote in his blog, “The object, which is simply called VideoChat, appears to have everything needed to introduce video chatting functionality.” It is expected that once launched, Skype users will be able to receive and initiate video calls directly from Facebook.
After all, Facebook’s new messaging system is an attempt to make communication more seamless and synchronized across multiple platforms. It may very well be that video chat will be added to the mix or that Facebook is at least considering a Skype integration.
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Skype Video Chat in Facebook Instant Messaging